Elevate 40+ Reinvent, Rediscover, & Rise

Find Your Authenticity

Here is Your Five-Step Guide to

Rekindle Your Passion,

Soothe Your Inner Saboteurs &

Find Fulfillment in Midlife

  • Discover your purpose in what you want to offer the world. Imagine sharing your light!

  • Uncover your internal saboteurs keeping you from moving toward work that lights you up.

  • Define key priorities for inner work that open space in you for change.

  • Transform your work and ignite your passion with discovering purpose.

  • Uncover ways your current life feeds your self-doubt and fear.

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Gain Clarity, Direction, and Renewed Purpose

I will guide you step by step to understand what truly brings you joy. Listening to your intuition with the self-reflection tools in this guide will open you up to your inner self. Your wisdom will unlock your authenticity. Your inner self is waiting to be unleashed; it is the real you that is open to more joy and fulfillment in life.

tuning in

Introducing your guide to tuning in to your inner world. Find out what is possible if you get out of the way and allow your dream life to become clear.

finding your voice

Understand that unhappiness is a sign that you are not living the desired and deserved life.


Find out what speaks to your authentic self. Access the Sage within you and find passion and purpose in your life.

Denise Miceli

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from a recent course member! 🦋

About The Creator of Elevate 40+ Journey

Denise Miceli

Hi, I am Denise Miceli. I am a Transformational Life Coach, guide, and teacher. I focus on empowering women to
transform their work life or career and ignite their passion with purpose-driven work. I help mid-career women like you embrace their true potential, empowering them and others to lead purposefully, creating positive change in the world of
professional women.

With an approach rooted in neuroscience and psychology, I demystify mindfulness, and other strategies to calm the nervous system. The truth is that any change you want to see is possible. I nurture and hold a space for your profound self-reflection in Elevate 40+ 🌺

Learn how to illuminate your innate ability to reshape your neurology, enabling swift and significant life changes once you commit to them.

This provides the pathway for continual self-reflection and growth. I am a lifelong learner and writer using the multiple modalities to share knowledge and life lessons on personal growth, spirituality, and health. I am a compassionate, empathic soul that has a finely tuned intuitive soul that embodies the work of helping people connect with their authentic selves so they can become the light they want to see in the world! 💥

Creator of Rock Your Blocks & Elevate 40+ Reinvent, Rediscover, Rise

What Women Are Saying

See what others say about their experiences and breakthroughs working with Denise.

Denise is a compassionate facilitator and subconscious healer. My experience in group and individual coaching has been very positive. She has been tremendous in assisting me with processing and healing emotional wounds that I've carried and experienced from past traumas, with kindness, gentleness, and non-judgement. I feel lighter and continue to receive insights that release limiting beliefs.

S. H.

I had an amazing subconscious healing session with Denise. It's incredible how some of our core beliefs can be what holds us back from being the best version of ourselves. Denise;s compassionate coaching style helped me uncover a belief that was holding me back from thriving in my life. Her intuitive guidance helped to transform the belief into a new, healthy belief. The insights I gained were profound. I look forward to working with Denise on my personal growth journey.

S. W.

I feel through our sessions that, I have been able to release deep issues that have been holding me back from living my fullest life. I feel a greater sense of well-being, and centeredness because of your guidance. Denise has a beautiful, caring way of supporting me through my process and realizations. Thank you for allowing me the time to emerge my process for a greater connection to self.

L. C.

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